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Boost Conversions With Adwords Conversion Optimizer

AdWords Conversion Optimizer uses historical Conversion Tracking data to increase conversions more cost effectively.

With Conversion Optimizer you set a maximum cost per acquisition (CPA) which is is the maximum your willing to pay per conversion or a target CPA which is the average amount you’d like to pay per conversion.  Conversion Optimizer then automatically determines the optimal equivalent cost per click needed to reach your CPA each time your ad is eligible to appear, thereby removing the need to adjust bids manually whilst still seeking to improve ROI. (The optimal equivalent cost per click is determined by your predicted conversion rate. This rate is combined whith CPA and quality score to generate an ad rank).

The effects of Conversion Optimizer are particularly susceptible to external factors such as sharp changes in the economy or competitor activity. It is most effective in steady, non changing situations or where changes occur gradually over time.

At the end of the day, if you use Conversion Optimizer, don’t just leave it to run unattended. Constantly monitor your account to make sure things are moving in the right direction.

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