The +1 Button And Using Adwords To Boost Your +1 Count And Conversions
One way of boosting online conversions is to get people to recommend your site to their contacts. This can be achieved via the Google +1 button.
The Google +1 button allows people to recommend content as they surf the web. The button can appear next to organic search results, search ads, Google Display Network ads and other sites across the web. It provides a simple method of improving the search experience for a user’s friends and other contacts.
+1 buttons are only visible when you’re signed into your Google Account. When a user clicks a button, a profile picture and user name will appear in the search results of the users contacts. This annotation, as it is called, serves as an indication that a recommendation for a particular site has been made by a friend or contact. In addition the URL of the recommended page will appear on the profile of any user who decides to share their +1s. The URL will usually be that of the final landing page , and a +1 will be attributed to that page no matter where the button was clicked. So, for example, a click on a +1 button next to an ad or organic link for a particular page will add to the page’s overall +1 count.
To make use of the full power of +1 recommendations, you need to provide a positive experience for your site visitors (they’re not likely to recommend your site if they have a bad experience). Visitors will feel that a visit is positive, and therefore be inclined to +1 your site, if what the find meets or, even better, exceeds their expectations. Since Adwords is all about delivering highly relevant results, a well designed and managed Adwords account becomes critical if your trying to ensure your +1 count is as high as possible. Remember, both your ads and your site (if you website has the +1 button) are eligible to receive +1s.